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Tuesday, November 16, 2010


My sister introduced me to an incredible photographer today, Brooke Shaden. I appreciate her work to a very high degree. Photography has lost a lot of it's true meaning in the world. So many people point and shoot at any random object and the blurry result is "art." Don't get me wrong, anyone should be able to enjoy the creative expression that is photography, but the true art form of it is being lost, buried under MySpace photos and Google. 

"Having and camera makes you no more a photographer than having a hammer and some nails makes you a carpenter." -Claude Adams

So here I want to share what I believe is an expression of true art. Shaden doesn't conform to any patterns or trends in her work. You can see that she is passionate about conveying a story or message and does so in a way that pushes the envelope, going beyond any commonly accepted boundaries. I find it refreshing. Enjoy :]

"Within the space of a square frame, I try to build a world that is undeniably separate from the one we live in. What fascinates me about any artistic medium is that it can pull the viewer out of a logical and common world, and place them within a space that is more alive. When I use a square frame, I hope that the viewer will forget that they are looking at a photograph and instead see an alternate reality, one that mixes painterly qualities with surrealism and fantasy. Why focus on what the artistic medium is when the subject and concept are pulling us deeper and deeper into a world that allows us to escape our reality in exchange for a fantasy? It is my goal in photography to make beautiful that which others find disturbing, to take a simple concept (be it birth, death, or something in between – life) and mold it into something complex and magnetic." -Brooke Shaden

"In reality opposites are one; art shows this." -Eli Siegel

1 comment:

  1. These are absolutely inspiring! Photography is truly an art, like painting or drawing. Just through a lens :}
